Saturday, October 31, 2009











Friday, October 30, 2009


還有一頂博士帽,不是畢業禮,而是Reformation Day Eucharist,我擔演馬丁路德這角色,說英語時加上德國人的口音,大叫Guten Morgen,然後說自己是Martin Luther,好玩。


Monday, October 26, 2009

Nap is good

Taken on our way to the Sikh Temple on 25 Oct 2009.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hospital visit

Mom visited Uncle at the hospital this afternoon. He's getting worse; and the hospital wants him to get out without giving him any referral to any hospital for terminal patients. I usually get fed up with poverty at moments like this. Where is human dignity? Where is compassion. But when we only have limited resources, when the rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer, we can only endure and try to survive.

Mom asked the TFS congregation to pray for Uncle. It's the first time she made such a request.

I am thinking about the Gospel reading of tomorrow. A blind man tells Jesus that he wants to see; and Jesus says his faith has saved him. What's faith? For one blind man getting back his sight, there are numerous others who remain visually impaired. How am I to understand Jesus' healing?

P.S. Uncle died this evening (25 Oct 2009). May he rest in peace.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Back to Christ Temple

Since the conference room wasn't available this morning, we moved back to Christ Temple for the Morning Eucharist.

And then I found that I missed the icons. Apart from the big one we put on the altar, there're 4 smaller ones. I missed them.

And I missed seeing sunlight coming through the windows. Light and shadow graudally moving down.

And I missed our coziness.

So, are we back there for good?

Give me a hug



The Little Prince, the pilot, the fox and me

The pilot draws a picture of a boa with an elephant in its stomach, both interior and exterior, and shows it to the grown-ups. He asks them what they see in it. They say it's a hat. Grown-ups are unable to see what the Pilot sees. I show my friends a Garfield cartoon and see if they can see me in Garfield. In that cartoon strip, Garfield needs to claw something. He claws the curtain and is very satisfied. In the last picture of the strip, Jon asks where his new curtain is. And Garfield's thought bubble has these words: Define "new" to me. I want to know if you can see the Garfield in me.

The Little Prince asks the fox how he can tame him. The fox says,
"You must be very patient,
First you will sit down at a little distance from me-like that-in the grass. I shall look at you out of the corner of my eye, and you will say nothing. Words are the source of misunderstandings. But you will sit a little closer to me, every day..."

Words are the source of misunderstandings. Sometimes, we only need a silent presence. I like John's reflection today at the Morning Eucharist. Job's friends have spent seven days and seven nights with him in silence. In such silence is the possibility of real human connection. Words may mislead; words may hurt. If you can spend some silent moments with some of your friends without feeling ill at ease, it means your friendship with them is both strong and enduring. It means you can experience moments of unmediated love. John sat with me on one of the benches outside of his office today. There were some moments when I just looked at my hands. There were no words. There was no need for them.

The fox tells the Little Prince a little secret, "And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." The important thing is, whenever I eat an ice cream that is of your favourite favour, I always think about you.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


我決定發揮我的編輯本色,一雞三味,三科(Introduction to New Testament, Introduction to Christian Theology, Feminist Theology)的功課都做...耶--穌!


Monday, October 19, 2009







Getting prepared...

...mentally, for a family death.

Death is not the word we say; but we all know it. The doctors said they had already done everything they could.

We are calm. Of course, we are not the most immediate family. I don't know what Aunt and Cousin Alan are thinking. I don't know how they are coping.

We all have to go through it, this getting prepared thing. But then, we also know that you can never get really prepared. When death comes, even when it has made its announcement beforehand, one always feels shocked and lost.

I hope they are coping.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


When you do the setup for a worship service, you notice things. You notice there are something that look like potholes on the floor; you notice one of the corners of the icon has been frayed; you notice whether the floor is spotlessly clean or whether it's dusty...And you know where the switches for the lights are.

When you know all these things, when everything is set, you just slip back to the congregation, and become one of the many, who also constitute the one Church.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

How news travel...and then get distorted!

An LTS librarian asked me yesterday whether I had studied German philosophy. Then she commented that I had an excellent command of German.

About the level of my German competence, I usually give the following illustration: I went to Germany for a summer course many years ago. On my third day there, I asked a woman on the street for direction, in German, of course. That woman replied by asking me whether I spoke English. That's how good my German was, and I'm afraid it's worse now.

I asked that librarian how she learned about my German. She didn't tell me, of course.

God probably doesn't mind messiness

We had Dr Terrence Freitham giving us a talk in our Friday Assembly yesterday. His major thesis was: God created the world good, not perfect.

One of his points was creation was messy. Imagin God making Adam out of dirt; making Eve out of Adam's bone? Messy! Then he mentioned an artilce on New York Times: 'Say Yes to Mess' ( It was a comfort to messy people

I had thought about the messiness of the Incarnation. Could you imagine Jesus' birth as nothing but messy? All those bodily fluids, the pain of labour, the cry of a baby...So there is a certain similarity between the Creation and the Incarnation! Wow!

Ok, say yes to mess! But I am not sure my mom will like it very much.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pawn shop

In the class of Introduction to Christian Theology today, we used the pawn shop to illustrate the idea of redemption in Jesus' death for us.

The interesting thing was all the group members agreed on this idea, but we had different opinions regarding whether we were the one who went to a pawn shop or we were the things that had been deposited. We also disagreed with one another about who was the owner of the shop: was it the devil, sin or was it God?

I kept asking questions in the group discussion. The result was we found out that we had taken too many things for granted, such as the above pawn-shop thing. We thought we were talking about the same thing but we were only using the same vocabularies that had different definitions.

It's still fun. Hope it will remain so.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


The one I brought to TFS was without the top layer. My first time to make dessert for the congregation.

I imagine Jesus...

I think he must have dry skin. Living in that region, walking around all the time, and without the help of any skin lotion? He must have dry skin.

Actually, I imagine him to have dry skin because I have dry skin.

We were talking about the image of God in the Feminist Theology class today. We started from addressing God as God the Mother to God language, God the Father, sexism...

Then Rose mentioned a disabled God. Why couldn't a disabled person see God as a disabled God? She asked.

God is all powerful; God is also the suffering God. Which one do we prefer? Do we only want a almighty one so that this almighty one can protect us? Do we see God more like a gang leader who offers us protection against our enemies.

I talked about Jesus having dry skin. And then I talked about St Fransis of Assisi who made himself embrace a leper. By embracing the leper, it was said that he learned to embrace all people the way Jesus did. But had it ever occurred to him that the leper didn't want to be embraced? The hug would definitely hurt.

There was a time when I didn't want to be touched or embraced because it hurt, because of the fear of infection. That was a time when I had very bad skin. I didn't want people forcing themselves to "accept" me or "love" me. I saw in most of their embraces as a massage to their ego, that they could tell themselves they did as Jesus had taught them. But they had never asked me whether I wanted to be touched or not. And when I showed displeasure, I was usually the one who got the blame.

Now I can shake hand, hug people at TFS. I feel safe there. I know that even if I can't touch people, they will understand. They won't give me the weird look.

Of course, I want to remain "huggable". I wish I will never go back to those bandaged days.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Putting a hamster in a sermon

Ok, I did that. I put a hamster in my sermon. It was an image of a poor hamster trying to squeeze itself through a needle's eye. My mother had kept two small hamsters years ago. They were very clever. There were two containers in their cage, one for food, the other just there, empty. And what they did with that empty one? It's their toilet!!!! They would go inside the plastic container, turned around a few times, and then...relief!

So, apart from thanking my friends for their help, encouragement, I think I should thank those hamsters as well.

Saturday, October 10, 2009





Friday, October 9, 2009







Dr Gabi主講,我翻譯。雖然已經有講稿,但仍感吃力。原來,英譯中不是我的強項。腦筋不夠快,譯出來的句子結構也強差人意,dead air也較平日中譯英為多。



Thursday, October 8, 2009

Fill drill at Block Y

Students gathering after "escaping" from the building.

Going back to the building. Normal life resumed.

Fire drill today. Not bad when I needed some time to collect myself and escape from my desk. Too much work on hand.

Still a long way to go

The week seems long. My study at LTS drags on. Lots of work from the university. Still two cakes to make this Saturday...







Wednesday, October 7, 2009



當然是多得他的協助和鼓勵,也感謝去年Dr Gabi教我們講道學,讓我們走出華人教會講道的框框。


完成修改後,我離開他的辦公室往學院方向走,心裡有一點點感動,也有一點點難過。感動是因為老師身體不適、工作堆積如山,但仍把我的講道放在很高的位置,是要優先處理的;難過是大概只有道風山才容得下我這一類人。我問老師:「Do you think I can be a pastor?」是可以的,但香港沒有幾多教會適合我。


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Graduation sermon

Students who are doing their first B.Th or M.Div have to deliver a graduation sermon in their final year. In the past, they had to do it twice. From this semester on, they only have to do it once.

We had our first graduation sermon today.

I hadn't been in a Chinese congregation for more than a year. The sermon today reminded me that kind of sermons I usually listened to when I was still active in a local congregation.

For one thing, it's long! Of course, it didn't last 90 minutes, which wasn't unusual in a Chinese church. The rule was you only got 20 minutes for everything. By everything, I mean the sermon, hymns, everything from start to finish. That sermon was long, and unnecessarily so. If size didn't matter, then surely the length of a sermon did, and the longer the better!

And I learned something about the speaker's daughter(s). I had absolutely no interest in how his daughters were doing and I wasn't sure they wanted to be part of the sermon. Anyway, I was reminded how many personal details I had learned in the past both from the pulpit and from the one who's leading the singing or the service.

The sermon was also about what we should do. A bit moralizing, though not as much as I feared.

I had thought about not attending the morning prayer today. Maybe I am becoming intolerant.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Plan B

John wasn't feeling well so we had to get someone else to preach and to lead the liturgy in our worship service yesterday.

Things went well. We worked together; every one of us did a little bit (or more than just a little bit) extra. I could say we were even more efficient in setting things up before the service and getting things back afterwards.

So, what's in a worship service? Isn't it about the participation of every one of us? It's not about doing things professionally; we shouldn't regard ministers and pastors as professionals anyway.

I was calm and quick. But I did miss my usually more leisurely pace on Sundays.

The unexpected happens. Life is full of these little or big surprises.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Preparing my second sermon

(Editing my sermon in Pacific Coffee, Shatin.)

Now I know what copy editing is.

John and I went through my sermon yesterday. We did it line by line. He gave me many useful and constructive comments, and told me what worked and what didn't. His help on the language was also very important and much appreciated. After all, English isn't my first language.

When he told me certain parts were good, I asked him why they were so. I learned a lot not just in how to write a sermon, but also in editing! I could see that he must be a very good editor. It's surprising how little I much I had learned about editorial work not in my career as an editor by in our going through my sermon together.

John said he wanted me to be more profound. What did he mean? I could kind of grasp his meaning yesterday but I understand more now. I was telling people what to think in my first draft. But I didn't really let people think on their own. I was saying, "Hey guys, what I am saying is the truth. So listen, and listen very hard." The draft had already been toned down bit but obviously it wasn't enough. There was so much fire in my heart that I just wanted to scream. I needed to be more subtle and not hitting people on their head.

And then I thought about the Feminist Theology class. It wasn't bad. But the teacher was so passionate about overcoming domination and deconstructing systems of oppression that she didn't really allow us to think or disagree. There wasn't dialogue. At best, we had different monologues. So, how can we keep our fire and keep the doors open for dialogue? Difficult, but hopefully not impossible.

My second draft is almost finished. Just need to cool things down a bit before I read it again to see how it goes.





Where is this bus leading you?

Picture taken at about 5:30 in the morning.