I usually attend the noon prayer on Wednesdays.
We were in Christ Temple instead of Lotus Crypt because of the rain. The crypt got too wet.
There were only the two of us. Birgitte and I sang together, prayed together. She sang the second part of the Taize hymns, and the two of us sang just so harmoniously that I couldn't help but feel moved.
And then a thought occurred to me. It's just too amazing that we could be together. We came from different parts of the world; we spoke different languages. How on earth could we ever meet each other, let alone became friends.
It's always good to see her welcoming face and feel her warm hugs. She always brightens my days!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Is sola scriptura unbiblical?
That's one of the questions we discussed in the Introduction to Christian Theology class today.
We had some heated arguments. And I liked that!
Saying something is unbiblical is grave. Saying what the church has taught as truth as unbiblical is almost unforgivable.
Sometimes we are too eager to defend our faith.
Sometimes I just get tired of all these defenses.
We had some heated arguments. And I liked that!
Saying something is unbiblical is grave. Saying what the church has taught as truth as unbiblical is almost unforgivable.
Sometimes we are too eager to defend our faith.
Sometimes I just get tired of all these defenses.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
What a family!
We had the Thelle's family with us this evening at TFS. Karl Thelle is the son of one of the founders of TFS. I learned from our pastor John's email that Karl Thelle had spent his younger days at TFS. He and more than 20 family members were with us in our worship service. Members of different ages sang both during the service and after the supper. What a family! What a singing! I was moved even though I didn't really know what they're singing. I just wanted to join them.
Then I said to Kelvin maybe we should do something simliar. Yes, we surely should sing. Birgitte is in, and so is Jochen, a student from Germany. Ekman also sings very well, but I wonder if he will have the time. Let's see what we will come up. I really hope that we can form our singing group, if not a choir.
Then I said to Kelvin maybe we should do something simliar. Yes, we surely should sing. Birgitte is in, and so is Jochen, a student from Germany. Ekman also sings very well, but I wonder if he will have the time. Let's see what we will come up. I really hope that we can form our singing group, if not a choir.
在Dr James Rimbach的追思禮中,我感到一份濃烈的思念,強烈得讓我透不過氣來。
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
我越來越喜歡東正教的Appophatic Theology,為甚麼我一定要講到神是A、B還是C?
我越來越喜歡東正教的Appophatic Theology,為甚麼我一定要講到神是A、B還是C?
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Sophia是另一位教我歡喜的朋友,她來自以色列,今天得知她下星期三就要離開香港,感失落,還沒有機會認識她便要分別了,幸好今天我們在Noon Prayer相遇,否則......
Sophia是另一位教我歡喜的朋友,她來自以色列,今天得知她下星期三就要離開香港,感失落,還沒有機會認識她便要分別了,幸好今天我們在Noon Prayer相遇,否則......
In a state of confusion
Imagine 4 very different people having a discussion, they don't even agree on the most basic definitions of some of the terms they're discussing. That's what happened in today's Introduction to Christian Theology class.
It's very confusing but also fun! We came up with more questions than the four asked by the teacher.
I did't really like it, but it forced me to think harder and listen harder.
Today's discussion was on election and covenant. Who's the elect? Do I have a personal covenant? What about predestination and providence? And the 4 covenants in OT and the new covenant in NT?
Let's see what will happen when Purple Godfather come back next week.
It's very confusing but also fun! We came up with more questions than the four asked by the teacher.
I did't really like it, but it forced me to think harder and listen harder.
Today's discussion was on election and covenant. Who's the elect? Do I have a personal covenant? What about predestination and providence? And the 4 covenants in OT and the new covenant in NT?
Let's see what will happen when Purple Godfather come back next week.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
今年修讀胡露茜教的Feminist Theology,在書單中再見此書的名字。忽然有此問題:為甚麼當年朋友已知道此書適合我?果真獨具慧眼!
今年修讀胡露茜教的Feminist Theology,在書單中再見此書的名字。忽然有此問題:為甚麼當年朋友已知道此書適合我?果真獨具慧眼!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
借了兩本關於東正教的書,兩日內讀完其中一本,是從西方角度看東正教;另一本是Reader,涉及神學,要花多讀時間讀才可以。兩本都是Daniel B. Clendenin寫/編的,讀罷第一本方知道長袍老師的東正教課堂實在教了我們很多,他把重要的都先消化了,再簡化給我們。很懷念和一班好友一起上他堂的日子。
借了兩本關於東正教的書,兩日內讀完其中一本,是從西方角度看東正教;另一本是Reader,涉及神學,要花多讀時間讀才可以。兩本都是Daniel B. Clendenin寫/編的,讀罷第一本方知道長袍老師的東正教課堂實在教了我們很多,他把重要的都先消化了,再簡化給我們。很懷念和一班好友一起上他堂的日子。
Friday, September 18, 2009
Friday Morning Eucharist
Sunrise. I was heading for the conference room for the eucharist service at about half past six in the morning.
I think we had 36 people today. John's reflection was on 1 John 1:5. God is light; in Him there is no darkness. Instead of talking with a moral undertone, John talked about in such light as God, there is no distinction, no shadow or darkness. He didn't focus as is often the case on being good or morally acceptable. Got me thinking. I wish I can elaborate more on this point. But I am unable to do so at the moment.
We are accepting donation for the breakfast after the Eucharist. This is different from what I have been told. So now I know that we are not required to pay; we can make donation now. Interesting how messages change shape when they go from mouth to mouth.
Still thinking...
Thursday, September 17, 2009
This is the most confused time in my study at the seminary. I was completely lost in yesterday's Introduction to Christian Theology class. I had probably put that confusion on my face. The teacher said I didn't look very happy.
I do think he's a good teacher. Let's see how we are going to work things out.
I am confused because I don't really know how to discuss with my classmates; or I don't really know if we are having discussions.
Well, it's just another kind of experience. Maybe it will make me a better learner.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Rainy day
The typhoon is gone but we still have some occasional downpours. Dampness but hopefully my spirit hasn't been dampened.
Got myself wet on the way back to the seminary after the noon prayer. The Lotus Crypt was an excellent place to listen to the rain provided that you didn't mind a little bit of wetness. You felt the rain drumming above your head; you felt the presence of nature. And then there were our prayers. There were only two of us at the noon prayer but there was a kind of fullness in the air.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
What's underneath
This photo shows the wall at TFS next to the Moon Gate. We seldom see what is underneath the whitewash. The bricks look surprisingly beautiful.
What is on the surface? What is underneath? When I first studied English Literature back in the secondary school, the theme of appearance and reality often showed up. This theme also dominates our life.
Mom has been going to church. She attends the Sunday worship service. She is a regular now, though she still hasn't known many people of the congregation. We had a chat this morning while having breakfast. She talked about a pulpit message urging those who only attended worship service to take part in other activities as well. Maybe I am of a more rebellious spirit. I just told her that even worship service isn't neccessary for her salvation. She only has to believe. And in case people at church are concerned about her "spiritual develpment", well, just tell them there is a seminarian at home who can take care of that.
It's interesting to witness my mother going through this becoming-Christian process. I just hope that she won't be turned off by the church. It looks as though the doors of the church are always open, but once you are in, you know things look different.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Honesty and model answers
We read a letter written by Bonhoeffer shortly before he was executed in the Introduction to Christian Theology class. In the letter, he traced how God no longer was the working hypothesis in morals, politics and science. He wasn't lamenting this. On the contrary, he thought that "[F]or the sake of intellectual honesty, that working hypothesis should be dropped, or as far as possible eliminted." The theme of a suffering God was clearly shown.
The teacher asked us what we thought about that letter. One student replied by making a distinction between those who believed and those who didn't. He assumed that those who believed (meaning Christians) had to have God in mind in every aspect of their life; and those who didn't (non-Christians) would not be bothered with our God. I didn't feel comfortable with all these Us vs. Other talks. Besides, I didn't think that's the point Bonhoeffer was making.
Another student followed by saying many people in HK (he meant the non-Christians) wouldn't think about God in all that they were doing. Again, there was the assumption of those who belonged and those who didn't here.
I'm a bit worried at the way people read their own ideas in other people's writing. People give very high-sounding model answers. But then what? Bonhoeffer was honest about how he didn't always feel God's presence.
I don't always feel God's presence. I wish there will be a time when all of us can honestly face our own feelings and situations instead of giving the model answers. I don't want a textbook kind of faith. I wish people won't be snubbed whenever their voice their doubts and uncertainties. I wish people won't tell me to pray harder when I am lost in all those God-talks.
The teacher asked us what we thought about that letter. One student replied by making a distinction between those who believed and those who didn't. He assumed that those who believed (meaning Christians) had to have God in mind in every aspect of their life; and those who didn't (non-Christians) would not be bothered with our God. I didn't feel comfortable with all these Us vs. Other talks. Besides, I didn't think that's the point Bonhoeffer was making.
Another student followed by saying many people in HK (he meant the non-Christians) wouldn't think about God in all that they were doing. Again, there was the assumption of those who belonged and those who didn't here.
I'm a bit worried at the way people read their own ideas in other people's writing. People give very high-sounding model answers. But then what? Bonhoeffer was honest about how he didn't always feel God's presence.
I don't always feel God's presence. I wish there will be a time when all of us can honestly face our own feelings and situations instead of giving the model answers. I don't want a textbook kind of faith. I wish people won't be snubbed whenever their voice their doubts and uncertainties. I wish people won't tell me to pray harder when I am lost in all those God-talks.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
What's in a name?
Should I call you Dr XX or just XX or YY?
I'm confused.
I have come to know many non-Chinese teachers at my congregation. We are on first name basis for sure. Then once we are back to the seminary, this first name basis relationship doesn't seem appropriate (not that the teachers mind it). I feel weird. Can't my teachers and me become friends?
One of the students raised this question last week. He asked our teacher how we should call him. Curiously (or not so curiously) he mentioned what he thought was a fact: that Chinese people respect their teachers, so they will always call their teachers with their titles. Wait a minute, is that about respect? Or is it more often hypocrisy on our part. We don't want to offend people, especially those who are higher up in the hierarchy. Why do you think there's more respect when I call you by your title? And probably it is because when people don't call us with our title, we are offended.
I'm confused.
I have come to know many non-Chinese teachers at my congregation. We are on first name basis for sure. Then once we are back to the seminary, this first name basis relationship doesn't seem appropriate (not that the teachers mind it). I feel weird. Can't my teachers and me become friends?
One of the students raised this question last week. He asked our teacher how we should call him. Curiously (or not so curiously) he mentioned what he thought was a fact: that Chinese people respect their teachers, so they will always call their teachers with their titles. Wait a minute, is that about respect? Or is it more often hypocrisy on our part. We don't want to offend people, especially those who are higher up in the hierarchy. Why do you think there's more respect when I call you by your title? And probably it is because when people don't call us with our title, we are offended.
Are you broke?
Monday, September 7, 2009
What draws complete strangers together
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Moments of epiphany
There are moments in life when you suddenly realize something, when the way you view life is changed.
I had one of those moments yesterday. It came when a dear friend stopped, turned his head and looked at me. I looked at him in the eyes and saw love and friendship. The moment came when the two of us and another friend stopped our ascend to the seminary and just embraced one another. I knew we were never too busy to give one another a hug.
I have been making the right decisions. And I know I am happy.
I had one of those moments yesterday. It came when a dear friend stopped, turned his head and looked at me. I looked at him in the eyes and saw love and friendship. The moment came when the two of us and another friend stopped our ascend to the seminary and just embraced one another. I knew we were never too busy to give one another a hug.
I have been making the right decisions. And I know I am happy.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009

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