Drama of Easter, that's our worship service at TFS this evening. Instead of a sermon, we had Kelvin and his friends performing Playback Theatre with us.
What is Playback Theatre? The following is a short description given to us by our pastor John before the service:
"Playback Theatre is an original form of improvisational theatre in which audience or group members tell stories from their lives and watch them enacted on the spot. It was invented by Jonathan Fox. Whether in theatres, workshops, educational or clinical settings, Playback Theatre draws people closer as they see their common humanity."
It's my second encounter with this form of theatre. And by the way, Kelvin's group is called Encounter. I didn't really participate the first time, cos I was busy doing translation for two Swedish friends. This evening I could really enjoy it.
I was the last to share an Easter story. I told the congregation about the Easter Sunrise Service at TFS this year. Birgitte, Kelvin, John and I met at 4 am in order to prepare for the 5 am service.
My story was about the little "accidents" or "surprises" we had when setting things up for the service. For example, we had to bring an altar from John's office to the big cross at TFS. After we passed the narrow gate, one of the legs of the altar fell apart. I didn't exactly panic but it came close. Where on earth could we find another altar?? Luckily, Kelvin fixed it (I don't know how) and the surprise was the altar was even steadier afterwards!!!! Wow, amazing.
Then there're the street lamps. They were on when we walked back from the big cross to Christ Temple. So I thought there's no need for a torch or candle or whatever. To my big big surprise, the lights were off when we walked from Christ Temple to the big cross. Who could have thought so??? And again, I didn't exactly panic. I had a small torch which I used to show the way for Birgitte who's carrying the wine and bread.
Accidents happen; and no worship service is perfect.
The good thing is, we don't really need a perfect service.
Alice mentioned the therapeutic quality of Playback Theatre and it's indeed so. While I was sharing my story, and while I was watching that story performed, I nearly cried. (But I had to stop the tears cos I would be assisting in the Eucharist afterwards, I didn't want teary eyes and runny nose.) Kelvin asked me for a title of the story, and I said "It's ok when things fall apart." Maybe I should have said "It's STILL ok when things fall apart." It occurred to me then how precious it was to work with both Birgitte and Kelvin. It's fun to have the three of us walking to the big cross at 4 o'clock in the morning. I doubt we will have another chance to do that. And then I thought about the number of times when Kelvin could have chosen to take a ride back to Shatin instead of going on foot with me after the Sunday supper. Come on Tigger, who have been walking with you when you're down? When you're in tears? When you're sad beyond words? When you feel so broken that you just want to call it a day?
Thanks friends! I owe my resurrection to all of you!
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