I have never experienced real hunger; I always have a home to return.
But I don't think life is always easy in my family. My family has never been rich. I suspect that there were times that we just managed to survive; and I believe the same thing has happened to my neighbours.
We are just ordinary people trying to survive.
I admire many of the mothers in my neighbourhood. My childhood was filled with all those Mrs, and in particular there was Mrs Ng who lived opposite us.
Life is difficult. But those mothers I know have always provided shelter and security not only to their children, but to others' as well.
The Feminist Theology class visited Zi Teng last night. We had the chance to talk face to face with a sex worker.
This sex worker is like any other mothers whom I know, taking care of her son, trying to give him the best.
People may say she is morally corrupt. She will not be welcome by most churches.
But who are we that we think we can judge her? We who have never experienced any real hunger, we who always have a roof above our head, what makes us think we can judge her "morality"? And who is to say what is moral and what is not?
有同事問, 姐姐點解要揀呢行? 因為有d工作人工少d, 厭惡性d, 點解唔揀呢d?
同事Fay話,一個月可以搵到幾多錢? 點解唔申請綜援呢?
我細個屋企都係窮, 但總算有飯食, 有瓦遮頭。我同同事fay講, 我唔知姐姐點解最初會做呢行, 但如果我去到走投無路, 我可能都會同姐姐一樣。
ReplyDelete不過fay同事有一點, 就係如果傳完福音, 咁教會應該點樣幫姐姐轉行呢? 佢亦都有提到, 如果小朋友知道姐姐的職業, 姐姐有無諗過反而會傷害左個小朋友。
ReplyDelete轉行這問題應該不只局限於姐姐這行, 其實亦可以引伸至涉及類似範疇, 例如賭和毒的人。傳福音, 人家相信, 然後只說平平安安地去吧, 我想我實在接受不了。在神眼中, 大家都是罪人, 亦應該盡力做好信徒的本份。如果我有心志在這方面的工作, 我覺得幫助這些範疇的信徒轉行是理所當然的。
小朋友, 答案顯而易見, 至少我相信小朋友不會理直氣壯的告訴人家, 他的媽媽是性工作者 (如上段一樣, 可以是毒品拆家, 開外圍等等)。即使他覺得媽媽很偉大, 我想仍然脫離不了那些負面的感覺和標籤。
我同意你說,我也不接受單說聲平平安安地去吧,又或者跟對方講,你祈禱啦,神會保守你。我接受不了那種We are sll sinners but I'm holier than thou的態度。